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''In the ancient days we of the Brotherhood (The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth) built temples on Earth, places where our brethren could meet and be taught how to find God, how to worship God and be taught how to unfold the God-life within themselves. The remnants of these temples are still to be seen on Earth, though they are not as they were in the days when they were built. Our brethren of the ancient days were wise in the laws of God and knew how to operate them. They built these temples as Holy Places for their brethren to meet and to receive knowledge and guidance.
The temples were an outward expression of an inner spiritual wisdom. The builders were themselves Initiates of the Ancient Wisdom, and were able to use soul power in their building. The very form of the temple would then stimulate certain soul qualities in the candidate and help him to develop the centres of light within the temple of his own being. These ancient buildings were an expression of the harmonies of the universe. They were primarily temples of Initiation, where the candidates working within them would absorb invisible influences helpful on the spiritual path. As the physical body is related to the universe, so these temples of stone relate to the main centres of man's being and the planetary influences which affect these centres.
The buildings of the past had peculiar acoustic properties. The builders possessed knowledge which enabled them to create chambers which proved receptive to the sounds from the invisible worlds. Today many attempts are being made to invent instruments to receive the finer sounds waves, so that messages can be received from the astral plane, and possibly from outer space. But then it was quite common knowledge, and the builders constructed these chambers so that they could hear voices from afar. There was thus a great harmony, a linking up with every other aspect of life contained within this Solar System. The buildings of the ancient Egyptians, the Greeks and Indians were al constructed to represent the grand harmonies of the spheres above, beyond and within the Earth.
Many temples of stone in America have yet to be uncovered. There is a saying that the Light comes from the East. That is true, in one sense. But it was from the western hemisphere, from South America, that the priests set forth carrying with them their religion of Sun-worship - and more, the inner secrets of life in the higher realms, and the life of spirit manifesting through matter, which they had been taught by the God-men (Cosmic Masters).
The conception of the pyramid as an eternal symbol of God did not originate in Egypt but was taken from the west to Egypt. It is a symbol which indicates the path which every child of God has to take on it's journey from it's source to it's end. As you understand more of spiritual science, you will be able to read the whole plan of life in the symbol of the pyramid. Man does not travel at random along the road of life; he follows a definite plan. God, the Grand Geometrician, the Great Architect of the Universe, has conceived the plan, and man is the master builder. But first he must work on the solid block of stone, called in some schools of teaching the ''rough ashlar'', which is a symbol of himself. The rough ashlar has to be shaped and smoothed before it will fit perfectly into the building. So man himself is shaped and perfected by life's experience till his Soul becomes a perfect ''ashlar'' to be built into the Universal Temple.
The building of the pyramid is perfect, with exactitude and precision throughout, as you know. This was because the builders were working upon spiritual principles (Shape-Power). There can be no slipshod method with divine building. The builders had learnt that the spiritual laws governing their own being and human life were exact and precise. For instance, the Law of Karma, from which they knew there was no escape: if they had dined against their brother, sooner or later they were bound to undergo that suffering which they had inflicted. They knew of the Law of Reincarnation: that they would come back again to Earth; they knew that they had a purpose in life. They knew they must work to a certain plan, that they must, to the minutest detail be perfect, be correct, in their dealings with men, as well as in the construction of their temples and homes.
The pyramid is based on the square or the cube, signifying man encased in matter in the four elements and teaching that man should live and act on the square with his brethren. The upper part of the pyramid, which is of triangles, symbolised the God from Whom all mankind arises, the Holy and Blessed Three - Father, Mother, and Son; Power, Wisdom and Love. All the good in man, the ancient knew, sprang from his recognition of, and his endeavour to live his life in accordance with, this First Principle. Therefore the family was Holy.
The builders of the pyramids were master masons on Earth, , master masons in the heavens above. As well as being masons, or builders in the physical sense, they were masons in the truest spiritual sense. Their work was perfect - for there can be no careless work in the universal building, only perfect precision. Is this not so in your spiritual life? On the spiritual path none can get away with an unworthy piece of work.
Stones have been discovered in America with markings and symbols which are clearly masonic, and it is true that our brethren practiced a form of freemasonry brought over to them from a lost continent. (Atlantis or Lumeria?) Freemasonry is not a modern institution - it stems from the original wisdom brought to Earth by the God-Men (Cosmic Masters). Ancient freemasonry is the inner secret of how the builders of the past built not only the temples (of which few remain) but also the spiritual life of man which has been sustained ever since. It is not only the building with material stones but a building of the power and the essence on Earth and in man. Ancient freemasonry is the way to build, the way to create and sustain life.
True masonry is the ancient wisdom, and tells the story of the building of the temple of man's being from the foundation stone to the crowning dome. The foundation stone is man's simple human life; then from that foundation comes the gradual building of the higher bodies of man - the building, step-by-step through many incarnations, of the temple of man's soul, the temple of the White Magic. When man is evolved he will become as a temple of Light, erected as upon a hill, wherein the ceremonial magic takes place for the radiation of the power of God to stimulate and uplift the younger brethren in the valley of life.
This ancient wisdom has been passed down from age to age through the secret schools of the inner mysteries. The basis of the work of all these mystery schools was to uncover the truth of life, the secrets of the nature, the reason for man's being on Earth, and the path he must follow on his return journey to God. They were formed so that those souls who were ready might follow a certain definite school of learning which would reveal to them these inner truths.
To receive such knowledge the soul of the student must be pure and simple, otherwise the knowledge passed on and the unfolding powers could prove dangerous. Thus only selected pupils were admitted into the mystery schools, those who had proved themselves worthy and ready to receive the wisdom of creation.''
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