Hello to all, my name is Paul Francis, I have been a practicing psychic medium for over thirty five (35) years, as for most psychics and mediums I undertook a lot of learning, discovering and searching through info, books, classes, teachers, and everything in between to get to where i am today, as for school and college's like everything we only employ a fraction of what we learn, but when I found my teacher I knew she was the right one for me. She said "Paul, I will teach you everything I know, but not everything I know will suit you, so continue to learn and discover and use what I have taught you for the benefit of first yourself, then once you understand how that works, share it with the world" - BOOM! mind blown, Patricia Saddler from Falmouth in Cornwall was my main teacher, and Frances Evens from the same town was my secondary teacher, who is equally excellent not only as a teacher, but an amazing Psychic Medium herself.
My life was about to change, I had just been selected to go on Living TV's Psychic School with Colin Fry and Tony Stockwell, I had come from an Irish Catholic background so as you can imagine my life with the religious side of things was about to go to war, oh at this point I think its important to point out that I am the nephew of the Bishop Of Ireland - Dr James Lennon, see, now you understand the religious war point of view. All of what I had been taught by my family was now about to go to the mats and I would begin to question not necessarily my belief system, but its origin and that it now could not be the only true and right system for me to believe in. You can be well assured that I was in a real turmoil, not knowing what to believe, not understanding doctorate which claims what I was looking into was unreal on one hand, yet they call it by other names and other situations on the opposite hand, oh and my favourite "You're Doing The Devils Work" that was the straw, the iron straw, why? I asked, how is me bringing messages to loved ones who are clearly suffering with the pain of loss! How is that the devils work?, the more they threw at me, the more questions I had, I had already inadvertently started studying ZEN, as I was a long time practioner of Kung Fu, karate, Ninjutsu and a few others, I realised that the Zen study was the study of Chi. or Ki if you prefer, the study of the inner power and energy, the study of external energy which fell under the same system, balance, light an

d dark, harmony, mother earth.... my life was beginning ti make sense, you see when I was about 16yrs old, I thought as did many others that I was getting "The Calling" and on my way to becoming a priest, following in the family footsteps, I even had meetings with The Bishop and the Cardinal (Oh yeh, I'm connected) and this inner calling was discussed and thought of as The Calling. So one afternoon, I'm in the cathedral in Armagh, as people knew who I was I could pretty much go where I wanted. so I went up to this magnificent pulpit where the clergy hold their sermons at mass, I stood there and placed my hands on this beautiful crimson covered rail, and looked out over the pews before me, thinking I wonder what its going to be like to give a sermon.... as I stood there, about 10 to 15 seconds later I heard "Not like this, Not this way", it was a soft voice and almost like a whisper, I turned around quickly thinking Oops maybe I shouldn't be up here, maybe this is actually out of bounds for me, and I heard the voice again, "Yes but not like this", I went down the hand carved steps to the bottom, and I as I did my mum had been cleaning in the cathedral as she often volunteered there to help out, she turned to me and said "Well, how did it fit? what do you think?", meaning how I liked being up in the pulpit, I looked at her and said with a smile, "Not this way mum, it wont be like this", she had a fantastic sense of humour and as quick as a whip she came back with "Ah well, at least I wont have to call you father", we hugged I told her I loved her, and headed on back out of this magnificent building, from that moment, my path to becoming a medium began to make its self known, and after years of study and thousands of readings, I now know where and how they were preparing me and teaching me that my life's work was for the soul and spirit, and of course the Angels, but I would leave religion for others to define.
So why not join me on my adventures in looking at how we can define ourselves as not being different, but really so very much alike, and why not visit me at my Patreon site, also my YouTube channel, both below.
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Thu,16 May 2024
Hello to all, my name is Paul Francis, I have been a practicing psychic medium for over thirty five (35) years, as for most psychics and mediums I undertook a lot of learning, discove...Read More
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