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Standing at the edge of the desert was a hot, dry and uncomfortable feeling. The sun beating down on my back felt relentless. I was parched and there wasn’t a drop to drink. Time was running out. I’d been standing there for years, staring out into the sandy nothingness of the future, not ready to take a step forward and too drained and lifeless to turn back.
The ancient Chinese philosopher Laozi says a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This was one journey I never really wanted to take on; let alone take that single step. Yet I have. And here I am.
That was how I felt four years ago. But then something deep within me began stirring, a quiet whisper I couldn’t quite hear. I felt the urge to get help. Except I knew the assistance I needed wasn’t of an earthly kind. It was more ethereal. A feeling. An inner questioning that needed to be quelled by perfect knowing. What I needed was a map to navigate this life of mine. I desperately needed direction, a purpose, a journey.
That was when I decided to take that single step into the desert. I knew the only way out was to go through it. If I had a spiritual map - a compass - I could find my way home.
I took that step. I found my map in my Soul Contract, the Numerology of Moses, an ancient system that had been all but lost to the world and in the 1980s found its way back into consciousness. My Soul Contract was decoded clearly and unlocked that questioning, turning it into the knowing I was yearning for. Explaining the set of experiences at a physical and spiritual level which my soul had set out to undertake in this life-time. With my Soul Contract in hand, it was like shining a spotlight on my life. I was holding the spiritual blueprint of my life in my hands. I heard my life being explained to me in a way it never had before, so that I could put all the ethereal pieces of my existence together in one clear and understandable session.
I could see the karmic setbacks so clearly, I now knew why I was feeling disempowered and unable to express my inner-power in an acceptable way. I even had a set of personally tailored soul-utions (my own empowerment protocol) that I could employ to claim back my power and align with my own truth. The more I use these tools, the more I grew. Even today they still work and guide my life. More importantly, I knew that working through my karmic setbacks would bring me the knowing more firmly. I also knew instinctively that this was a life-time adventure, the setbacks would be dealt with and as I overcame each hurdle my purpose as a Soul Adventurer would be set free.
Talents I never knew I had were revealed to me in a tangible way, along with ideas and inspirations to grow the talents I already had in play. What was even more amazing was that over the years my talents evolved and with each breakthrough, even more wonderful aspects about myself came into the light. That spotlight shone on every part of me, highlighting the best (and worst) bits, helping me navigate this life in a much more sustainable way. Having my talents opened up to me in such a wonderfully encouraging and caring way helped clear the blocks to the goals I was aiming for. Finally I had a clear vision of the route to achieving my goals. My soul was palpitating with excitement. Finally I knew where I was going.
My Soul Contract gave me an in-depth view of my goals and aspirations, both physically and spiritually as well as tools to navigate my way to manifesting these goals and getting to the point of my destiny: to be a Soul Adventurer. I knew I wanted to show others the way to become all they could be and be their best imaginable self.
In just one session, I gave myself back to me. What a blessing it has been.
I still know where I am going, I have even unlocked more of my talents bringing me the awesome realisation that I am amazing, whether I am in a desert or an oasis, in heaven or in my peace. I know what I have come here to do, I know I have the correct equipment to navigate my way through the sand-storms life throws and I know my goals will be achieved in many forms many times over.
So far on this adventure, I have realised the map is not the territory, but is sure does help to have an understanding of both. To have the right tools to help me sail through sand-storms is proving to be my most invaluable asset.
Is life perfect now? Certainly not. But it is a whole lot better than standing on the edge of the desert perceiving only dry stinging sands and mirages that never manifest. As a Soul Adventurer I can now see the mirages for what they are: a pretty shimmering nothingness that leads me off course. I can see the path ahead and I get to choose which oasis I rest at, which talents I deploy to manifest the next steps of my life and which goals I achieve.
Some days I do still wander the desert. I am human after all and on those days I pull out my map, my compass and remember the path out the desert is clearly defined.
Navigating this desert is my choice, and the more I realise how far I have travelled through this desert the more I realise I am spending more and more time in heaven. Soon the desert will be a mirage and I will be permanently living heaven in this life. This is my destiny and I know how to generate the map, provide the compass and get out the wasteland.
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Cheryl-lya has been a Soul Contract Reader for four years and is now available for private sessions and workshops. She holds both Skype and in-person sessions, helping people all over the globe. Contact her through her website or call UK mobile 07527 303 911.
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