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They are like flowers that are "born to blush unseen and waste their sweetness on the desert air." Of course in reality all essences are not, and can never 'be wasted', being of the nature of spirit which is eternal. No doubt the unknown author of the above was indulging in a bit of poetic licence.
Essences, like ideas belong to the realm of the spirit; they are the very substance ( if such a term can be used for something so intangible, so etherial ) of all that is, and all that will be. They are eternally breathed forth throughout the Cosmos by those great beings whose work it is to bring into manifestation, form and matter. The primordial words, sounds given out by the Lords of creation flow out in very truth upon the essence of the breath of the Solar Logos.
The dictionary defines essence as 'all that makes a thing what it is, the intrinsic nature of things and the reality underlying all phenomena'. That is no doubt the closest definition which can be formed for something so truly intangible. How limited human language really is when it comes to discussing or writing of the things of spirit and all that concerning the unfathomable.
Nevertheless, language has progressed so over the centuries that man is able to grasp and glimpse to a degree, matters appertaining to the soul, the spirit.
However, real understanding cannot come via the intellect, but only from a far higher level as all the great moral and spiritual teachers of humanity have indicated. Thus when thinking or speaking of essences the spiritual seeker has a good idea of its deep meaning. When we breath in the fragrance of a flower we often feel we are partaking of its delightful essence; perfume and essence are in fact indissolubly linked. When I listen with total absorption to an uplifting piece of classical music, I feel in some way as if I'm touching the essence of what must have originally inspired the composer. It is the same when standing before an awe-inspiring sunrise or sunset, standing upon a mountain summit or walking through a sweet smelling forest; one touches and partakes of the essence of Mother Nature, the spirit of the Earth, provided that ones senses are acutely alive. Mans physical body is sustained and kept in existence by the essences of the atmosphere, chief of which is air. Without oxygen there could be no life as we know it. What of the sun and the Cosmic rays which, in stepped down degree, also contribute to the maintenance of life on the planet.
They are also essences of the cosmic ocean.
That ancient mystical brotherhood, the Essenes, who existed in the time of Jesus, took their name in all likelihood , from the term 'essence' as they sought constantly to live a life of the utmost purity.
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