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March starts off with a New Moon in Pisces on the 1st, as Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac it heralds a time of a spiritual evolution, especially as it is conjunct Neptune (spirituality) and Chiron (healing). Everyday we should start as we mean to go on, but this is a particularly powerful day for making sure you have your intentions right. Not only because a New Moon sets the tone for the month, but also because Mercury (thought and communication) turns direct (goes forward) this day. AND also because just like in January, we actually have not one, but TWO New Moons this month!! I don't remember seeing anything like this before, so let me talk about it in greater depth. If there are two New Moon's in a month the second one is called a Black Moon. New Moons a powerful for intention setting, but the black moon is doubly powerful. And as the second one on the 30th is in the first sign of the Zodiac - Aries it really has the most power for a real strong start. However...
It's interesting that this year we are having such strong and special New Moon's so close to each other. New Moon's keep saying "let's start again". Plus you can hardly see a New Moon, so our faith may be being tested a lot at the moment. Any moves we make externally just may not be "SEEN" and we keep being pulled back inside ourselves. The trick is not to see this as a bad thing, but actually a good thing. The more we get pulled back to go over our foundations the stronger our building will be in the long run - as long as we don't get disheartened and give up in the process, and that feels like the challenge we have this year, and particularly now. The dance of the planets go like this..
1st March - Merucry Direct ( green light for commuincation )
1st March - Mars Retrograde ( red light for action!! )
2nd Mars - Saturn Retrograde ( long hard look at oneself! )
When I look at this the normal "YAY!" I feel at Mercury going direct gets squashed! BUT! Lets just remember what I said before.... This year we are being pulled back in every time we go out, in order to refine our goals, aspirations and dreams. We can't get away with anything half cut this year. This year we are being made into Master's instead of Jack's (of all trades.) Keep at it and come August, which is the first time this year th
ere is no retrogrades, you should have a big masterpiece ready to present to the world. The key to doing this is to keep going, even if you see nothing progressing from it in the meantime.
On the lighter side Venus enters Aquarius on 5th, so our love for each other in the wider sense of friends and community, and the love of helping humanity to evolve should really lift and lighten our moods. It really does feel like it's a time to look at our intentions of how we treat everyone we come in contact - especially if we are going through a hard time ourselves, there is no better reason than to be extra vigilant then, as we all know how easy it is to cause pain when we are in it, yet it just causes more pain not just to others, but it comes right back at us instantly, it never feels good.
There is also a need to be extra vigilant of the above around 16th March when the full Moon in Virgo can make us feel extra hard and critical on ourselves and others. The best way to work with this energy is to feel what you are feeling but turn it into action ( and remember you can only change yourself), perhaps it might be time to get organised, or get some structure into a health regime, both of which are well starred under Virgo.
Mercury enters the dreamy waters of Pisces on 17th, so you can expect lots of dreams and spiritual visions, this is a great energy for undertaking guided meditation or astral travel, or any other slightly out there spiritual practices!
On 20th The Sun (spotlight) moves from the spiritual nature of Pisces, to the right let's get on with it! Nature of Aries. So you may feel more motivation, use the ten days from the 20th to the balck moon on 30th to really think about what it is you want to achieve.
Have a great month!
And if you like, please share, I have massive problems with my google ranking (because I am so half cut techno wise! Hopefully come August I will be a master!) so am basically relying on shares :)
One love x
Tiffany Crosara,
Award Winning TV Psychic &Award Winning Author of The Transformational Truth of Tarot -
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