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Do we realise how powerful our mind is? Do we appreciate the extent to which our thoughts are imbued with a creative power which goes on to shape and form the world we experience? That is the message that Jesus keeps teaching us. In fact, he says the only thing we have control over in this world is our thoughts.
In Chapter 12 of the Textbook of A Course in Miracles, Jesus explains that the split mind projects outside of itself all its fearful thoughts, and the result is a chaotic and meaningless world. However, he goes on to explain: “Yet this world is only in the mind of its maker, along with his real salvation. Do not believe it is outside of yourself, for only by recognizing where it is will you gain control over it. For you do have control over your mind, since the mind is the mechanism of decision.” T223.
In Chapter 6 of the Textbook, he points out, “…Few appreciate the real power of the mind, and no one remains fully aware of it all the time…The mind is very powerful, and never loses its creative force. It never sleeps. Every instant it is creating. It is hard to recognize that thought and belief combine into a power surge that can literally move mountains...There are no idle thoughts. All thinking produces form at some level.” T31. The last two sentences of that passage explain why we cannot be a victim of the world we see—because we created it with our thoughts.
And in Lesson 9 of The Way of Mastery, Jesus reiterates: “Never, ever believe that your thoughts are neutral. I said earlier that events are neutral, but your thoughts are not. For your thoughts literally are imbued with the power of creation…every thought reverberates a quality of vibration that spreads out from you…and comes back to you. That is what you experience as the positive and negative events of your life.” p. 112.
So it is up to us to use our minds very carefully if we want to awaken from the dream of separation. If we focus on the negative things that are going on in this world, we won’t be able to rise above it. We will simply keep on attracting negative events into our lives. If, on the other hand, we focus on positive and uplifting things, spend time in nature and also watch our thoughts and promptly hand any fearful, critical, condemnatory, judgemental, guilty or negative thoughts over to the Holy Spirit/Higher Self, we will be creating a pathway that leads us back Home.
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