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Mount Shasta
Mount Shasta located in Northern California is a destination for mystics, gurus, sages and curious people from all over the world. Unexplained stories are endless. This enormous mountain is endeared by all who come to visit or live near her.
Shasta a dormant volcano, is not part of the mountain ranges in the area. She is uniquely her own mountain in many ways. With a summit of 14,125 feet above sea level, she's the second highest peak in the Cascade Mountain range.
Those who live in Mount Shasta the small town located on the base of the mountain, will tell you stories of encounters with Lemurians, the hidden city of Telos, Saint Germain, Godfre Ray King, alien landings, and a certain special feeling that comes with being in the presence of Mount Shasta's energy field or vortex.
Our ancient ancestors knew a vortex or a gathering place of the earth's energy was sacred. Mount Shasta has such a vortex. Ancient cultures considered these vortexes portals to a higher dimension of consciousness. If a person was near a vortex it activated and energized their etheric or energetic bodies making it possible for some to become aware of what mystics have discovered...that our existence is multi-dimensional. Mount Shasta as well as Sedona, Arizona are vortexes that the average person is able to sense located in United States.
The earth experiences these energy centers as different levels of consciousness, and so do our own bodies. There are seven main energy centers called chakras in our bodies, and also seven in the world. Below are the seven key earth chakras in order, and where they are located in the human body:
• First or Root (base of spine) - Mount Shasta, California
• Second or Sacral (below belly button) - Lake Titicaca, South America
• Third or Solar Plexus (above the belly button) - Uluru-Katatjuta, Australia
• Fourth or Heart (at the heart)- Glastonbury Tor-Shaftesbury, England
• Fifth or Throat (throat)- Great Pyramid - Mt. of Olives
• Sixth or Third Eye (top base of the nose) - Kuh-e Malek Slah, Iran
• Seventh or Crown (top of the head) - Mt. Kailas, Tibet
As you can see, Mount Shasta holds the position as the first, root or base chakra of the world. Now that I live in Mount Shasta, I can tell you from my own experience that the mountain's vortex pulls on me by invisible strings. I could sense it from the first time I noticed Mount Shasta from about fifty miles away coming south on I-5. Even though I had never seen the mountain before, I knew it had to be Mount Shasta. It was hard to take my eyes off of her.
A lightness and connectedness comes over me when I ski or hike Mount Shasta. A part of me expects to see a shimmering mystical being walking towards me. A feeling of overwhelming peace also envelopes me when I go to the head waters of the Sacramento River located at the base of Mount Shasta. The water is revered by the locals for it's unimprinted purity. This truly is a magical place.
Poet Joaquin Miller describes Mount Shasta like this, "Lonely as God, and white as a winter moon, Mount Shasta starts up sudden and solitary from the heart of the great black forests of Northern California."
Many are drawn to the mountain but few have any idea why.
This scenario fits my story to a tee. A sigh of relief left my lips, when I heard that others came here for the same reason. Some would consider what I did crazy, in fact my family is still reeling. Just before winter, I drove 3,000 miles to Mount Shasta, alone, without knowing why I had to come here. On trust in my higher self alone, I came to Northern California with only what I could pack in my car.
The pull to go to the unknown was much greater than the fear of leaving what I knew with it's security. I fought Shasta's pull for a year before I no longer could deny it. Somehow I knew I would never return to live in my home on Lake Huron again. From the first time I set my eyes on Mount Shasta, I knew I was in for an interesting ride. I haven't been disappointed.
When asked the common question, "What brought you to Mount Shasta?" I'd sigh and say, "I don't really know, I just know I'm supposed to be here." As time went by, my answer became, "The mountain called me." The response was a knowing smile from the locals, because in many cases it was their story too.
The mountain has a pulling affect on my energy field. Things I hadn't thought about in decades were exposed and brought into the front of my mind full force with an intensity I had never experienced before. Old hurts and negative happenings flooded in with a much greater level of significance and clarity.
It was as though the mountain was saying, "Look at your life! What do you want?"
When I told a few local friends, they just nodded and said, "The mountain has a way of getting in your face, and MAKING you question your values and your life." As painful as it can be, it's also very releasing. Once you accept that you're being shown yourself for your higher good, then you're ready to heal your past. Everything goes in a circle and comes right back to it's this case me.
In fact the universe and nature operates in circular time, not linear time as we have been led to believe by the church and governments. It's only in modern society there's a belief that time travels in a straight line, never to be repeated again. Eastern Indian and Asian cultures, all Aboriginal societies, and ancient cultures, believe in ever repeating cycles, like the seasons. These cycles repeat the lessons of the previous cycle with a whole new set of values. There purpose is to reveal to our sleeping spiritual selves our own divinity, over time...till time is no longer necessary.
The Mayan great cycle ending date of December 21, 2012 has many wondering if the world will come to an end. When you think about it, why would the Maya continue with a calendar if they felt we would ascend in consciousness at the cycle end date.
We all know our financial, social and environmental systems are being shaken to the bone right now. The Maya and other aboriginal cultures today, will tell you it's part of the great cycle change take place.
Many in North American blame the worlds problems on the government, the Chinese or some other source outside of themselves. The government has no control over the cyclical forces of the universe. Something else more powerful is in charge.
Even in the 1930's the channels of the I AM books knew we would be experiencing unprecedented change:
"Many changes were shown to take place in the next seventy years. These affected Europe, Asia, India, North and South America, and revealed to us that regardless of all appearances at the present time, the sinister force attempting to create chaos and destruction throughout the world will be completely destroyed. When that is accomplished, the mass of humanity will turn to the "Great God Presence" within each heart and also governing the Universe." Unveiled Mysteries, Godfre Ray King.
The earth changes we're experiencing are about humanity, our values and the way we think as a whole.
YouTube videos like Zeitgeist and Esoteric Agenda tell us the Federal Reserve Board and the World Bank are the causes of scarcity, starvation, wars, assassinations, incarcerations, everything negative in the world. I don't see it quite like this.
They are simply the mirrors or reflections of the way humanity feels within itself. These problems existed long before these entities came into being. Our belief in scarcity makes it possible for these institutions to capitalize at our expense. When we realize our divinity...our power, all negativity will naturally fall away...including those institutions we feel have done us wrong.
Mirrors, are people with attitudes and actions that trigger a reaction in us...usually negative. These brothers and sisters show us aspects of ourselves we like and dislike.
Since moving to Mount Shasta, I've experienced a heavy increase in the two extremes of mirrors. It's all good. My negative aspects beg to be healed and taken off the list of atrocities committed against me. The positive ones show me my growth, and I'm not alone in my spiritual feelings. Rarely, were the blessed souls who mirrored my negative traits welcomed...till now.
Mount Shasta has a way of putting your worst traits in your face.
Now I look at words or deeds that trigger me...differently. I realize that it couldn't be in my life if it wasn't in me. These situations are an opportunity to release negativity that has affected me from my past. It's at this point I'm ready to own it and heal it. The first thing I ask now is, "What is this person or situation trying to show me about me?" Mount Shasta has taken this feeling within me from an intellectual understanding, to a knowing that reaches to the depths of my soul.
All of us have negative things that have happened in our past. These negative words, events, or feelings don't go away just because we stuff them and say they don't matter. They just keep coming back into our thoughts over and over and over a tape recorded message on replay. Why?
A thought never leaves it source...Hmmmm an interesting thought.
It couldn't be in your life if you didn't do it...say it...or think it at some point on your soul's journey. Positive thoughts also recycle and come back to you...thank God! Mount Shasta's vortex energy has many times shaken me and made me look at unrealized victim thinking.
"If human beings could see their own thoughts, feelings, and words go out into the atmosphere upon the ethers, gather and gather more of their kind and return, they would not only be amazed at what they give birth to, but would scream for deliverance, and if for no other reason than to blot such creation out of mind, they would with full determination face their own Divinity and enter into It.
THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS ARE LIVING, PULSATING THINGS. The individual who knows that will use his wisdom and control himself accordingly." Unveiled Mysteries, Godfre Ray King
Mount Shasta and the Lemurian connection.
My arrival to Mount Shasta, has spurred my curiosity to discover why I'm here. I've read many I AM books, and other Mount Shasta specific books. But, the most important verification I've had is in my own personal experiences.
It's said the mountain is calling home all who had their first earthly incarnation here. These unsuspecting souls are being drawn from all over the world. I've met many people from Europe, and Asia, especially from England who feel compelled to come to Mount Shasta. I just might be one of them too.
This entire area was once part of Lemuria and Atlantis according to popular books on Mount Shasta. Thousands of years ago, before recorded history, a highly advanced society lived in what we call California.
"The Garden of Eden upon this planet was located originally right in your own beloved United States of America, for it is here that God's own individualization first came forth, and here only is the Doorway back into Perfection." Step By Step We Climb, I AM Channelled Book
Where Mount Shasta is located was the far eastern border of this lost culture. Most of the land was swallowed up by the ocean when a worldwide apocalypse occurred possibly around 9,500 BC. Some believe this could have been the decimation of Atlantis and Lemuria.
Others say the Lemurians retreated underground, and still live deep inside of Mount Shasta in the subterranean city of Telos. They emerge at times when they hear someone in need on the mountain or if a person gets too close to one of their secret entrances to the hidden city.
Some profess to have even been inside of their beautiful city of gold and jewels. And, yes, they lived to tell about it to anyone who would listen. The Telos people have been described as very tall, gentle looking people dressed in unique clothing.
A possible pole shift, accompanied by a lithosphere and earth crust shift occurred about the time when the Lemeurians were said to have disappeared. The horrific story of "the day the earth almost died," was verbally handed down by our ancient ancestors from one generation to the next. The story talked about how the earth's crust literally buckled, reshaping itself to look like a turtles ridged back. The ancient stories tell how the waters of the planet boiled. How massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions decimated the earth.
In the Arctic scientist have recently discovered the mass extinction of giant mammals, revealed by global warming. To give you an idea of how fast the change occurred, many of the animals still had grass in their mouths when they were frozen on the spot, by a possible catastrophic pole shift.
The unusual lenticular clouds that form over Mount Shasta are said to shield the space ships that come here and enter the mountain through secret hidden entrances.
The I AM Presence or God essence within each of us can heal the world.
The slopes of Mount Shasta is also considered the meeting place of many with the Ascended Master, Saint Germain. Godfrey Ray King is said to have gained his freedom right here in Mount Shasta, CA with the help of Saint Germain in the 1930's. The city of Mount Shasta houses the I AM Reading Center providing channeled reading material, a meditation room, CD's and more.
"Every one of God's children who WILLS God acknowledge and accepts the Presence of the One Mighty anchored Within his heart and brain, and feels that Truth deeply many times a day, realizing and knowing God fills his mind and body so full of Light there is no room for anything else, he can be free...if his attention be fixed firmly with determination on this Eternal Truth, no height of attainment is too great for him to reach." Unveiled Mysteries, Godfre Ray King
Any negative acts, deeds, events, etc. that comes into my space I give to my I AM Presence as soon as I'm aware of them. This simple act of surrender has proven very powerful and healing. When I give it to my I AM Presence, I'm giving the negativity to my own divinity Within to solve it. I've come to accept, it's next to impossible for me to solve a problem with my limited intellect alone.
Our ego minds want us to stay victims. But, our higher selves want us to see our own divinity and the divinity within others.
Everyday, I come closer to understanding why I was called by Mount Shasta.
Even if you can't feel the vortex energy. Or, don't have a mystical experience to relate, Mount Shasta is a memorable experience. Most people don't understand why they feel different in the presence of Mount Shasta...but the locals do. They contend that when they leave the Mount Shasta area even for a day, they can feel the difference it's peace affords them when they return.
It's believed when the Great Cycle change comes around 2012, the residence of the City of Telos located inside of Mount Shasta, will come forth to help us with the physical and spiritual transitions. Many believe they are helping us now from a different dimension with hidden helping hands and by planting loving thoughts into our minds.
Let's close with a poem about Mount Shasta from the book Unveiled Mysteries written by Godfre Ray King:
Glorious Mount Shasta
Shasta! O Mount Shasta!
What Secrets do you hide,
What dwells within that Heart of Yours,
What Light does There abide?
Beneath your snowy peaks so bright
What Blessings do you hold,
What Knowledge do you guard so well
From those who seek to bold?
I think I hear you speak to me
From your pure heights above.
I feel and hear your answer now;
"There's just one way - through Love!"
"To him who knows that 'Presence' well
And lives It, too, beside,
My Secrets are an open book,
From him I've naught to hide.
"Learn well that Golden Key of Life,
It opens every lock;
With It you may fling wide my Door,
For Love ne'er needs to knock.
"O sons of Earth who seek more Light,
Learn first Love's Great Command!
Pour out Its Healing Golden Streams,
And in my Heart you'll stand."
Step By Step We Climb, I AM channeled book
Unveiled Mysteries, Godfre Ray King
Step By Step We Clim to Freedom, I AM channeled book
Zero Limits, Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
A Course in Miracles, The Foundation for Inner Peace
Mt. Shasta, California's Mystic Mountain, Emilie A. Frank
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